Super Dragon Ball Heroes – Would we just be better off with fan fiction?

I was kind of shocked the other day when YouTube recommended me some clips from the latest episode of Super Dragon Ball Heroes. It was less that I was shocked the miniseries was still going, more so I was shocked that I looked at it and didn’t feel this weird compulsion. That I wasn’t drawn to it like a moth to a flame like I used to be.

And believe me, I still spend an embarrassing amount of time thinking about Dragon Ball. This show should be like catnip to me. So why isn’t it? 

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Super Dragon Ball Heroes has lost me again

This would normally be the post where I write my thoughts on the newest online short for Super Dragon Ball Heroes. But as I sat watching the short episode in a hotel in Brighton, I started to think what the hell is the point.

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Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Episode 11 – Gravity’s One Mean Mother

If you have told me things were going to end up like this two episodes ago, When Goku showed up having apparently mastered Ultra Instinct, I’d have thought you were joking. But I suppose this is Super Dragon Ball Heroes; where nothing makes a lick of sense and you just need to enjoy the pretty lights.

Continue reading “Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Episode 11 – Gravity’s One Mean Mother”