Star Wars Rebels Revisited part 23: Use your inside voice

Man, it’s been a while since I’ve done this series. My feelings on talking about Rebels are so much mixed than they were with Clone Wars. One on hand, the series isn’t doing as much for me compared to the latter highs of the Clone Wars series. Which kind of makes me not feel that driven to continue watching.

On the other hand, the more Disney are producing so much new Star Wars content that FOMO is becoming a real thing. With the announcement that Ezra Bridger has been cast in the Ahsoka series and the accompanying insinuation of that series being a direct sequel to this one, then it seems like I’m shit out of luck and need to continue working through Rebels don’t I.

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C’mon MCU, you gotta do better than this

Kontent is king! Or at least that’s the line most of us seem to live by these days. Especially if you’ve got an IV of Disney hooked up to your veins. And your bank account. The constant… No, relentless march of new shows, movies and animation must be making Disney feel all the more justified for raising the price of their streaming service over and over. I mean, they’ve still got me on the hook.

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