3 Episode Rule – Komi can’t Communicate

3 Episode Rule is a series in which I watch the first three episodes of a new anime and decide whether to stick with it or drop it based on those three episodes alone.

This is my final entry into the Autumn season’s 3 Episode Rule series. In general, I have a habit of overcommitting myself to assigning myself shows and only actually watching half of them. Although this season might be the most I’ve followed through and posted about the shows I’ve seen since I started writing this series. I’m not sure if that’s because of the quality of the shows we’ve been given this season, or just because I had two weeks off work to dedicate all the time to watching and writing them.

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3 Episode Rule – The Faraway Paladin

It’s time for my Iskai of the season! In between the time of me putting this anime on my shortlist of things to watch and actually getting around to watching these first three episodes back to back, I had totally forgotten this was an isekai. If you’ve been following me on here with any regularity, you’ll know I’m not the biggest stand for theiskeai tsunami that we’re being subjected to these past handful of years.

But that doesn’t mean I’m not willing to give one of them a chance every now and then.

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3 Episode Rule – Digimon Ghost Game

3 Episode Rule is a series in which I watch the first three episodes of a new anime and decide whether to stick with it or drop it based on those three episodes alone.

I haven’t watched a new (original) Digimon series since I was a kid. I was kind of surprised to see this one pop up on Livechart.me, especially because I’ve seen literally nobody else talking about it. Normally, you might think this was a sure sign that the series isn’t really worth investing the time in. And while that was my initial thought with Digimon Ghost Game: something of a curiosity that might get me a blog post, I’ve actually found there to be something a little more to this one.

Continue reading “3 Episode Rule – Digimon Ghost Game”