Dragon Ball GT Rewatch Week 2: The Baby Saga – Day 5: Animation and Battles

Way back before I started any of this, I had it in my mind that I’d take an objective look at Dragon Ball GT. I’d try to find the pearls of what made the show memorable, then compare and contrast them with the other shows in the franchise. Specifically Dragon Ball Super. After this week of talking about the Baby Saga, turns out things didn’t exactly work out that way.

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Dragon Ball GT Rewatch Week 2: The Baby Saga – Day 1: Story Arc Structure

Last November, I had the bright idea to go back and rewatch Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball Super: Broly was on the cusp of release and it seemed like a new series of Super would shortly follow that. So I was all revved up to go back and revisit a series I’d never actually watched properly.

As you might have guessed from the extended gap in time between now and last November when I wrote about the Black Star Dragon Balls Saga; this turned out to be a bit of a slog than I’d expected.

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Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Episode 11 – Gravity’s One Mean Mother

If you have told me things were going to end up like this two episodes ago, When Goku showed up having apparently mastered Ultra Instinct, I’d have thought you were joking. But I suppose this is Super Dragon Ball Heroes; where nothing makes a lick of sense and you just need to enjoy the pretty lights.

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