What is Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero

Every time I go to write this post, some new news one the movie comes out and invalidates a lot of what I was planning on saying about the upcoming new Dragon Ball Super movie. As you’d expect, the fandom’s range of hot takes on the subject run the whole gamut from being insightful to boiling and stinky. But the fact remains that the existence of this movie still has a lot of question marks hanging above it considering the recent track record in the franchise.

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Dragon Ball GT Rewatch Week 2: The Baby Saga – Day 1: Story Arc Structure

Last November, I had the bright idea to go back and rewatch Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball Super: Broly was on the cusp of release and it seemed like a new series of Super would shortly follow that. So I was all revved up to go back and revisit a series I’d never actually watched properly.

As you might have guessed from the extended gap in time between now and last November when I wrote about the Black Star Dragon Balls Saga; this turned out to be a bit of a slog than I’d expected.

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Dragon Ball GT Rewatch Week: Black Star Dragon Ball Saga – Final Day: Conclusions of the Saga

I’m not the power level guy. Very quickly, I learned to stop caring about power scaling, relative strength and characters getting inexplicable power boosts during my time watching Dragon Ball Super. I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. The jump in power levels is much less extreme in Dragon Ball GT, but that doesn’t mean we’re not going to get a whole lot of nonsense for our trouble.

In this final day talking about Dragon Ball GT before I dive into the Baby Saga, I have a question for the three or four people actually reading this. What do you think of this format? When I start watching the Baby Saga, do you this again and break it down after I’ve finished it all? Or should I just start reviewing the episodes one at a time instead as I go through them.

Let me know in the comments. I can make a choice eventually when I pick up GT again.

Continue reading “Dragon Ball GT Rewatch Week: Black Star Dragon Ball Saga – Final Day: Conclusions of the Saga”