Wooderon Movies of the Year 2018: Best revival of a near dead franchise

My movie lists have always been a little more loosey goosey in comparison to my video game entries. I always felt a strong desire to get those written and posted day and date. When it came to the end of the month and time to write about movies, I would just say “hell with it” and do whatever. Which is why this is going to crawl well into January.

Wooderon Movies of the Year 2018:  Best revival of a near dead franchise

I might go back and do a proper best of 2018 movie list later in the year, but that’s if I manage to go back and catch up on what I’ve missed. And given my track record, that’s less than likely. anyway, let’s get back on topic.

Continue reading “Wooderon Movies of the Year 2018: Best revival of a near dead franchise”

A Late Halloween: Is it possible to make a modern slasher that isn’t self reflective

Original plan was to get this up on Halloween itself, but you know me, I’m really not very good with deadlines at the moment. Rather than boil this down a shorter, condensed review, I realised there was more to unpack here than perhaps a quick review could cover. Watching the latest instalment/reboot of the Halloween franchise, I wonder if the slasher genre can exist anymore without being self aware.

Continue reading “A Late Halloween: Is it possible to make a modern slasher that isn’t self reflective”